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18 Sexo WhatsApp Stickers

Luis Eduardo Fernández Oliva (born March 14, 1973 in Caracas) is a Venezuelan actor, writer, producer and director. He started his career on stage at age 19, and followed to film, television, radio and publishing.

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Luis Eduardo Fernández Oliva (born March 14, 1973 in Caracas) is a Venezuelan actor, writer, producer and director. He started his career on stage at age 19, and followed to film, television, radio and publishing. Fernández has won several acting awards, and recently has published several books, comprising the series Sexo Sentido ("The Sex Sense"), best-sellers in Latin America and very well received by the critics. His tour-de-force performance in the film TAMARA earned him 5 international film festival awards for Best Actor. He developed his directorial skills on stage and his directorial debut in filmmaking was with the short film Blue Sky produced at the New York Film Academy, which has been selected to the official competition in several international film festivals. He has performed for over three years his own stand-up show It's not you, it's me (No eres tú, soy yo), recording over 2000 performances. Fernández is also an architect, having graduated in 1991 from the Universidad Simón Bolívar, in Caracas, and the Graduate School of Design of Harvard University. He is married to the Venezuelan actress Mimí Lazo.

FAQ (frequently asked questions 18 Sexo WhatsApp Stickers)

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You can download 18 Sexo WhatsApp Stickers using the Download APK button from above, this way you can use this sticker pack for Android.

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  1. Download the latest version of 18 Sexo WhatsApp Stickers using the button above.
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